Monday, August 15, 2016

Swamp Drugs

They say that to find trouble in Provo you have to go looking for it. Well, I'm here to tell you that sometimes it finds you. 

It was my friend's birthday and she had had a rough day. It would have been bad regardless, but it was especially bad because it happened on the day that everyone was writing on her Facebook wall "Hope you had a good birthday!" 

We were trying to decide on what we could do that would turn around a crappy birthday. We determined on going to the hot springs. Nothing like sitting in warm sulphur water and mud to celebrate your life, right?

This is the actual hot springs that we went to:

(Side note: I believe that is a shark in the water.)

We didn't leave until 11 PM. We had to walk through the creepy woods in the dead of night. Let me explain to you how creepy these woods are: They are creepy

Luckily, we did not get abducted by cult members looking for a sacrificial victim. (That is a legitimate fear I have every time I walk through there.) We did, however, find a group of youths having a party next to the hot springs. I'm not talking about a balloons and streamers party either. We shrugged our shoulders and decided to get in anyway. 

After listening to lots of grammatically unnecessary swearing and enjoying the warm water, I noticed that one of the youths put his head on the ground and started blowing on something. I said in my normal volume voice "What are they doing??" My friend shhhed me and informed me that they were making a bong. Sure enough a thick cloud of ganja smoke wafted over the smell of the sulphur springs and it was at that moment that we decided our hot spring birthday celebration had ended.

They always warn you about the naked people at the hot springs, but they never warn you about the drugs.

I can now say that I have been to a "real" party. Accidentally, but I was definitely there. 

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