Saturday, July 9, 2016

Costco Pizza

Have you ever had that dream where you forget to attend one class for an entire semester? And then as a result you fail miserably.
Me neither.
Just kidding, I probably have it at least twice a semester. It's terrifying.

I am a planner. I like to plan and I like things to stick to the plan. If there is no plan, then life is uncertain, variables come in, unpleasant surprises might happen and my whole life will go down the crapper.

This may sound extreme, but it's how my OCD, INFJ, Julia subconscious mind works.
When things aren't planned, my body responds by going into hyper drive. I immediately start thinking of how to secure plans, my heart rate goes up, my mind goes into James Bond focus and I can't sit down until it's all figured out.

I've never just "flown by the seat of my pants."

Actually I did once, but I ended up being lost for 35 minutes as a direct result.

The year that I graduated from college was a proud one for me. Four years of hard work and dreams about forgetting a class were finally completed. I was rewarded with this:

Almost makes you wanna cry, huh?

So to celebrate, my family decided to have a little gathering of 15 or so people. We planned our menu of Costco pizza, fruit and brownies.


 I, however, wanted to make sure that we would have enough pizza. I didn't want Costco to be so backed up that they couldn't fulfill our order.  After all, we were going to be feeding a whopping 15 people. And it was graduation weekend at BYU. There were probably a lot of people planning to have Costco pizzas at their graduation party. This is Utah and having a Costco membership is akin to having a minivan. Or being a dentist. Or voting for Mitt Romney even if he's not running.

Don't believe me? Guess where the largest Costco in the world is. Just guess. Like I said, Utah loves Costco.

With all this, and more, in mind, I called to put in my pizza order.

"Hi, Is it possible to order pizza for a future date?"

"Sure thing, what can I get you?"

"Ok, I'm having kind of a big party, so we'll need three pizzas. Two cheese, one pepperoni. Can you do that?"

"Yeah, when would you like that for?"

"May 22nd"

There was a subtle, but unmistakable choking sound on the other end of the line. "We only take orders up to 3 days in advance"

It was April 26th.

Flummoxed, I said "So if I order three days in advance, you guys will be able to handle my order?"


Honestly, my first reaction was, "What business in their right mind doesn't let people order food a month in advance?!" 

The ridiculousness of what I had just thought dawned on me and I continued walking down the street to do the rest of my Christmas shopping. 

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