Monday, March 7, 2016

Blood Pressure

New person in my life:     "Did you play any sports in high school?"

Me:                                   "uhhh, I ran track for a little bit." 

I generally feel like a fraud when I answer that question, because "run" is a very loose term and I only did it for one year.

Sometimes, I mention that I also played tennis for a year, but if I do, I have to also mention that my nickname was "bambino."

If you're wondering why that's bad, here is a picture of The Great Bambino.

Anyway,  the point of this introduction, is that when I was in track they wanted to see which foot was my dominant foot. Since most people don't write with their toes, you have to do the push test to find out.

The push test is where someone stands behind you, pushes you and sees what foot you catch yourself with. That is your dominant foot. 

Mine happens to be my right, in case anyone was interested. 

I love this concept, because it's a moment where you react without thinking and in the process, learn something about yourself. 

I had another moment like that a few weeks ago.  

I was at the plasma center, getting ready to donate. Every time I go, they test my blood pressure to make sure that I won't pass out on them and cause a scene. 

 My blood pressure was 94 and they need it to be at 100. They allow one retest.

The nurse told me that to get my blood pressure up, I should think of an attractive man. I took the challenge. Sherlock, (a.k.a. Benedict Cumberbatch) waltzed in first. A few seconds later he was followed by Ross Poldark (a.k.a. Aidan Turner.) When she retested me, my blood pressure was at 114. Yep. It works folks. 

 I learned that apparently, I'm most attracted to a fictional, high functioning sociopath that has no concern for the emotions of others.

So! if you are having an identity crisis, I highly recommend donating plasma or having a friend push you. You'll learn a lot :)

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