Friday, February 26, 2016

The Piano Note

A few weeks ago, I found myself home alone for the first time since coming home from my mission. Now, I have been known as "paranoid" before, I prefer the word "cautious." However, I think that this experience would have freaked anyone out. 

 Five minutes after my dad left, I was doing my thing upstairs in my room..... cleaning......doing first things first..... and then I heard a piano note downstairs. A note on the piano was played loud and clear and I was in my house BY MYSELF.

Thought process:
1. Where is my pepper spray?
2. Wow, I can't tell if I should feel proud or pathetic that I found my pepper spray that fast.
3. Daisy (my dog) can't play the piano.
4. What kind of sick-in-the-head murderer plays a piano note to let his victim know that he's in the house??
5. Maybe something just fell onto the piano and hit a key..........OR maybe a murderer accidentally knocked something over and it hit a key.
6. Call my dad.

Risking being heard by the attacker, I called my dad and whispered my plight to him.

It was at this point that he explained that when he gets emails, his computer makes a piano sound.

I only partially believed him and surveyed the house with my pepper spray before continuing to clean and watch Andy Griffith.

1 comment:

Shonda said...

You are cracking me UP!
Love your writing!